The Tiger's Eye: April 2007

29 April 2007

I just don't get it...

OK, I am puzzled.

If the congress authorized Gen. Petraeus to be the next commander in the field in Iraq knowing his strategy was going to be the "surge" and if by all military accounts the surge appears to be working.
If there is a consensus opinion that the combined forces of the "insurgency" could not in a million years defeat our military and that while they can kill a few soldiers with snipers and IED's here and there they cannot muster a force to challenge militarily us in ANY location in Iraq or Afghanistan.
If it is acknowledged that the primary force against us in Iraq and Afghanistan are Al Qaeda and bits of the remainder of the Taliban and that there is little "local" support for either especially when it comes to suicide missions.
If both the Iraqi and Afghan people want us to stay long enough to help them become capable of self sustaining their respective countries.
Why does Senator Reid say we have "lost" the war?
How has it been lost?
Who is preparing to kick us out of Iraq or Afghanistan?
If we have lost someone has to win; who will that be?

28 April 2007

Take your pick

currently in edit.

A piece of Americana...

Other wise known as attempting to convince your neighbor that your crap is actually worth something that he will pay.

Yes, here at Casa Corte Blanca De la Roca we held a
From 8:30 till we get tired of telling you that there are no Little Tykes toys we will be attempting to sell our Crap.

Hey, maybe someone wants my collection of the last 20 years of Road & Track magazines (not complete except for 1996 and 2003 for some reason. $5.00 for the lot including the Rubbermaid box they are in.

27 April 2007


Suffice it to say it was a crazy week at work, hence no posting. Hopefully it will change this weekend.

15 April 2007

Mozart - Ave verum corpus - Vienna boys choir

No one does it better.

Ave / verum / verum Corpus,
natum / de / Maria / Virgine
Vere / passum, /
Immolatum / in / cruce / pro / homine
Cujus / latus / perforatum, /
unda / fluxit / et / sanguine
Esto / nobis / praegustatum / in / mortis / examine.
(rough translation)
Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, who has truly suffered, and was sacrificed on the cross for mankind, whose side was pierced, whence flowed water and blood, Be for us a foretaste of heaven, during our final trial,

13 April 2007

Two Grey Rooms

This is one of my favorite Joni songs.
The video author did a really nice job of adding photos to the song.

I bet you didn't know I was a Joni fan did'ya?

08 April 2007

A Happy Easter

But at daybreak on the first day of the week they took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb; but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were puzzling over this, behold, two men in dazzling garments appeared to them. They were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground. They said to them, "Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised!

01 April 2007

Culture of Corruption?

Last year we heard that the incoming congress was going to be one of integrity. we heard that the Democrats were going to show us the face of incorruptibility.
Hmmmm....I was always taught to clean house before making brash statements like that.
Senator Feinstein did you have something to say?


I thought so...