The Tiger's Eye: ...When I'm Eighty Five...

12 December 2006

...When I'm Eighty Five...

Ok, This one is too good to pass up.
According to "Scientists" by 2040 there WILL BE NO MORE ICE AT THE NORTH POLE!!! (cue the dramatic music) DA, DA, DA-DA-DA-DA-DA!,2933,235981,00.html

I'll go on record as predicting that these guys are wrong. I "predict" there will still be ice caps up there, Greenland and the rest of the Arctic will be inaccessible and "scientists" will still be predicting disasters that are just about to happen, all due to mankinds malfesance.

In my lifetime I have seen "scientists predict" a coming ice age AND a global warm up (ironically both for pretty much the same reasons). We were told that there would be no more oil, no more food, no more clean water, all the frogs would be gone, cats and dogs sleeping together (OK, I predicted that one and it came true every winter when Bailey and Whiskers got cold but at least I was RIGHT).

I'm only 45 but I'm pretty sure that most of these scientists are predicting this crap because there is MONEY at stake. The science of environmentalism is beholden to the government dole. Their gravy train will dry up if they suddenly decide to predict that the earth is still too big and they don't fully understand how it works.

Of course in 2040 I will be 85 and if I start telling people I predicted that the ice caps would not melt no one will believe me anyway...